Your summer grain harvest: Corn and sorghum handling and storage solutions

If you’re a seasoned grain grower, you’re well aware of the importance of implementing a full turnkey solution for handling and storing your grain post-harvest, to ensure you can reap the highest return on your investment. Now that summer is in full swing, we’re looking at those storage solutions best suited to warm season grains - in particular, corn and sorghum. 


Grain growers need to consider two very important factors when choosing to sow corn and sorghum crops aimed at a summer harvest. Firstly, ensuring research into market needs is completed prior to sowing, i.e., will your harvest meet the needs of the most profitable market niche? 

Secondly - and this is where we come in to the equation - giving special attention to the planning and management of your future harvest. This comes in the form of ensuring you have adequate handling and storage equipment for the crop in question, in this instance corn or sorghum, that will protect your stores from potential damage via moisture, pests, heat, mould, etc.


Following many years of close consultations with corn and sorghum growers nationwide, as well as research and first hand experience in harvesting these grains, our team can design a fully customised storage system for your summer operation.

So what does this system look like? To put it simply, our custom corn and sorghum storage systems incorporate a high flow, pressured aeration system designed to suit the growers individual requirements. We recognise that the sowing and harvesting conditions in one part of the country are vastly different to another. By taking into consideration the climatic and geographic aspects of where you grow, we will manufacture and install handling, storage and drying facilities that will lead to the most profitable outcomes for you, the grower. 


The time has come to gear up for corn and sorghum harvesting down the eastern half of the country - from the Emerald region in Southern Queensland, right down to Southern Gippsland, Victoria. If you’re a summer grain grower on the lookout for a turnkey handling and storage solution, take a minute to consider what your storage, handling and drying needs are. 

Working with you, the Optimum Grain Silos team can customise a high flow, high pressure aeration system, designed to suit environmental requirements in your part of the world. Ready to update or reboot your grain storage solutions in 2020? Get in touch today!